Friday, November 23, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving family and friends!

The 2 weeks before our Thanksgiving break, we learned about some of the first Native Americans, the Pilgrims, and how they joined together on the first Thanksgiving.  Just like the Pilgrims and Native Americans on that Thanksgiving, we worked together and made an Indian village,prepared songs, a poem, a readers' theater, Pilgrims' stew, and to get our room ready for our Parents, Caregivers, and friends to come join us!

We had a wonderful celebration!  Thank you all for coming and helping make this a fabulous day!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Veterans' Day Celebration

Tuesday, November 13, we had a Rise 'n Shine to honor our Veterans and current servicemen and women.   A highly decorated Veteran was the speaker and the second grade classes sang I'm Proud To Be An American.  It was a very moving tribute!  

My precious firsties wrote letters to the heros that have risked their lives to give us the freedom we enjoy every day!  Here are a few examples of these little heartfelt notes.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Mock Election

On Election Day we held a mock election for President of the United States!  The kiddos were very familiar with the two candidates running for president!  We discussed how we "vote" for things all the time.  Sometimes we vote for things like the movie we want to watch, which restaurant we want to eat at, our favorite candy, etc.  These are little votes, but voting for the President of the United states is a very BIG vote!  Each child marked a ballot with the candidate of their choice, folded it in half, and dropped it in our ballot box.


As I opened each vote and read them aloud, we graphed them and discussed the results.  Here's how our class vote came out!